
Thursday, October 4, 2012

New Microsoft Office 2013

After the success of Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Office 2010 now Microsoft (MS) released its latest Microsoft Office 2013 Microsoft Office Consumer Preview on July 17, 2012. With the optimization of the product before the Ms Office 2013 is much more perfect and stuffed with features to make your terbanrunya shall try.

Maybe you are wondering what the advantages which have Ms Office 2013. In detail you can go directly to the source is Microsoft. But as the reviews I list here some of the advantages and new features of MS Office 2013

This new ang Ms Office 2013:

     Supports Stylus (Traditional PC and Touchscreen)
     Integrates with SkyDrive if connected to the Internet
     More interactive as it can connect with Yammer and Skype
     Improved features of the old
     As well as changes to some icons etc.

With the release of Microsoft Office 2013 is expected to Consumer Preview consumers can give feedback (feedback) about the shortcomings and strengths, because some future time Ms Office 2013 will be launched soon. If you are curious about Ms Office 2013 can be viewed in Microsoft Office Consumer Preview Let's try it online but the main requirement is mengguanakan Windows 7 or Windows 8

Source: Microsoft
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How to Create a Blog Banner

It's cool if we have a blog that has a banner that attract visitors. We also often see a lot of sites that have a banner that is very, very interesting, of course, can not be separated from the creativity of managers. Almost every blog there is a menu or Exchage Link Exchange Linka where fellow bloggers can exchange each link in order to get the number of a lot of visitors every day.Back again to the banner, can be categorized there are 2 types of banners are banners static and dynamic (moving). For an expert to create animations or design may not be difficult to make an interesting banner. But here I share about how to create a static banner that simple but interesting as well. Okay note the following way:1. Make the size of the banner design to your liking, save it in JPG or PNG form with elements of the image according to your blog and paste the text / name of your blogExample:
    125x25 pixel banner size Goongli
PNG image formats
File size 5KB
2. Upload your picture, can use imageshack, photobucket, or picasaweb as a media image hosting for free, and then copy the direct link images example: Combining HTML code with the link banner that was created earlier is as follows:HTML code to display the banner

<a href=""> <img src="" /> </ a>Description: The red text is the blog address and text color green is the direct link in the banner that was uploaded earlier.4. HTML code pairs that have been made in the page / menu link exchange so that any visitor would do a link exchange can copy and insert the HTML code on his blog each.Simple and try your practitioner, may be useful if there are errors in the writing of HTML code to be fixed please submit it through comments on this article.
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Deposit Egopay With Payza

Excess Egopay that can deposit using Payza. So you no longer need to use your credit card or bank transfer. Instant process only fee you will be wearing less than 1% of your deposit. It's based on my experience when doing deposite of Payza to Egopay.

Usually the way I am sharing this as I need a dollar in Egopay but the stock stored in Payza so I moved first to Egopay. It is very simple and easy to understand manner following deposit of Payza to Egopay:

1. Log in to Egopay
2. Click the Deposit then click Payza

3. Enter the amount of your deposite, for example I want to deposit $ 10 USD click Next to continue


4. You will enter the Confirmation page, click Confirm to continue and wait a few moments you will get Payza

5. Login to your account Payza using your email and password then click Pay Now, and enter your PIN tranksaksi. completed

The deposit you have succeeded you will automatically go back into web Egopay and deposit transaction history pages appear just done. to return to your account please click the Main menu. Notes should not be confused between PIN transactions with Payza Egopay. Hope it helps and helpful!
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Tutorial Daftar EgoPay GRATIIISSS

EgoPay sekarang akan menjadi salahsatu alat pembayaran bisnis online seperti JustBeenPaid yang sebentar lagi akan menggantikan Payza. Kelebihan EgoPay sudah saya jelaskan di postingan sebelumnya, untuk sekarang saya akan membahas cara daftar EgoPay secara sederhana. EgoPay ini sedikit mirip dengan LibertyReserve dari segi keamanan dan juga tidak adanya verifikasi sehingga memudah penggunanya.

Berikut langka-langkah pendaftaran di EgoPay :

1. Kunjungi

2. Klik Create EGOPAY Account

3. Isi Form Pendaftaran lihat keterangan gambar

Keterangan gambar :
  1. Untuk pemula pilih Personal dengan cara klik satu kali pada gambar
  2. Masukan email anda
  3. Membuat Password ( harus mengandung 4 unsur ini, Capital, Lowercase, Number dan minimal 8 karakter contoh MCKkamu51 )
  4. Masukan kembali Password yang sama
  5. Membuat PIN Code minimal 5 angka
  6. Masukan kembali PIN Code yang sama
  7. Pilih keamanan warna anda
  8. Masukan Captcha yang terteraCentang sebagai tanda tunduk dan patuh dengan peraturan EgoPay

4. Klik Sign Up Jika tidak terjadi kesalahan maka anda akan menerima email aktivasi kemudian klik link aktivasinya.

5. Lengkapi pendaftran anda dengan mengisi sistem keamanan, informasi pribadi dan lain sebagainya, jangan lupa klik Save untuk menyimpannya.

6. Pendaftaran selesai dan anda bisa mengguanakannya sebagai alat pembayaran bisnis online anda.

Sebagai antisipasi agar tidak lupa dengan semua data yang dimasukan tadi, catat semua data penting anda di Ms Word. Nah jika anda lupa atau memerlukan pertanyaan keamanan semuanya telah tersimpan tinggal dibuka kembali. Selamat mencoba semoga membantu aktifitas anda !
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Belakangan ini banyak bermunculan payment processor baru yang menwarkan banyak fitur yang menggiurkan. Tapi anda harus tetap hati memilih tempat menyimpan dollar anda, karena jika salah pilih bukannya menerima dollar tapi menghilangkan dollar. Setelah munculnya STP (SolidTrustPay) sekarang ada pendatang baru yang tidak perlu verifikasi seperti halnya LibertyReserve, yaitu EgoPay.

EgoPay hadir dengan menggandeng partnernya ialah Payza. Tapi tidak beda admin ini hanya kerjasama antara EgoPay dan Payza saja tidak mengikat kepemilikan. Jadi anda bisa deposit dan withdraw dengan akun payza tidak perlu melaui bank atau kartu kredit.

EgoPay walu baru unjuk gigi tapi sudak di bidik oleh bisnis online yang sedang booming saat ini, JBP (JustBeenPaid) beberapa waktu ke depan akan menggunakan payment processor ini sebagai alat pembayaran untuk deposit atau withdraw, dan untuk Payza sekarang lagi masa transisi karena mengharuskan member JBP yang menggunakan payza wajib verifikasi. Sebagai solusinya JBP menambahkan EgoPay yang menjalin kerjasama dengan Payza.

Inilah fitur yang di tawarkan oleh EgoPay :
  • Transaksi Instan
  • Multipel Wallet
  • Deposit/Withdraw dengan akun Payza
  • Sistem keamanan yang kuat karena anda di minta untuk memasukan password dan PIN ketika mengakses akun
  • Costumer Support 24/7
  • Menghadirkan program Affiliasi

Nah jika anda penasaran pengen mencobanya silahkan kunjungi langsung situs dan registrasi sesuai petunjuk yang diberikan.
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